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Dec 5, 2012 - Thanks to Singer's recent 160th anniversary celebration, I was able to pinpoint my antique machine's model year by entering its serial number. Standard sewing machine serial numbers. One of the most fascinating aspects of Standard Rotary sewing machines made. The spider that came with my Standard Rotary serial number 770155 worked. Feb 21, 2018 - The Standard Rotary sewing machines were manufactured between the 1880's-1900's. The logo 'Standard' is painted directly on this machine. Jul 1, 2013 - Hi, I recently purchased a 1904 Standard Rotary Treadle Sewing. Google to see if I can cross reference the serial number to nail down a date. ISMACS Singer Serial Number lookup. Look up your Singer Sewing Machine Serial Number to find out when your machine was made and identify what model.

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