Jasco Spectra Manager Software Free

Spectra Manager™ II Software • Control of all JASCO spectroscopy products • Control of multiple instruments from one computer • Analysis of several types of spectral data in one package • Users only need to be familiar with a single software package • Flexible data display and publication quality printing • Supports standard data formats such as ASCII, TXT and J-Camp for support to other software packages or operating systems such as Macintosh Spectra Manager II is the latest version of the JASCO innovative cross-spectroscopy software platform. The approach of having a single platform for data analysis is a unique and powerful way to manipulate and display data from any JASCO spectroscopy system.
Jasco Spectra Manager Software
Please download the JASCO Spectra Manager Suite brochure. In the background) in order to free up the PC and control software to acquire more data.
UV/VIS/NIR, Fluorescence, FT/IR, CD, ORD, LD, Raman, FT-Raman Polarimeters and other types of data files can be directly compared, processed, and printed together. Instrument control Drivers are available to control each JASCO spectrophotometer. Parameter setting screens allow easy editing of pre-saved parameter files. Data acquired from each instrument is automatically loaded to the analysis program (running in the background) in order to free up the PC and control software to acquire more data. Each instrument driver has a module to allow for instrument hardware diagnostics and validation.