How To Install Winexe On Centos 7

Install Winexe Centos 7
This article will help you to Install Wine 2.0 stable release on CentOS, RedHat and Fedora systems. Install Wine on Linux. This article will help you to Install Wine 2.0 stable release on CentOS, RedHat and Fedora systems. I looked into building winexe statically on Ubuntu 10.04 which has glibc 2.11, but Ubuntu 10.04 lacks MinGW packages. I looked into building winexe statically on RHEL 6.2. MinGW packages are available on the Internet for CentOS 6 and these install on RHEL 6.2, but this isn't enough: also needed are statically built libraries bsd, z, rt, and resolv.
Winexe is a GNU/Linux based application that allows users to execute commands remotely on WindowsNT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8 systems. It installs a service on the remote system, executes the command and uninstalls the service. Winexe allows execution of most of the windows shell commands. How to install: You can download the source package from [Current version is winexe-1.00.tar.gz] • tar -xvf winexe-1.00.tar.gz • cd winexe-1.00/source4/ •./ •./configure • make basics bin/winexe • make “CPP=gcc -E -ffreestanding” basics bin/winexe (For X64 bit) this will create a [ winexe ] binary file in the bin folder. You can use that binary to execute the windows commands from Linux. Or else there are some compiled version of binary itself available for download.
How To Install Winexe In Centos 7
You can download and use it from. How to use it: •./winexe -U [Domain/]User%Password //host command Examples: •./winexe -U HOME/Administrator%Pass123 // “netstat -a” •./winexe -U HOME/Administrator%Pass123 // “ipconfig -all” • /winexe -U HOME/Administrator%Pass123 // “ping localhost” To launch a windows shell from inside your Linux box.