Download Omap Flash Installer
Hello guys, my nexus died I had some problems with a rom so i decided to restore a previous backup(bigxies JB rom) which was working when i backed it up ofc. Did the backup and hit reboot in cwm, nothing. Wont turn on wont get into fastboot no download mode nothing.
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When i plug in a charger no charge animation, nothing. I tried flashing a stock rom with the nexus toolkit but it keeps saying waiting for adb. Nothing happens. Windows doesnt recognize it either when i plug it in my pc. It seems that i am screwed.
Flash Installer Download

Omap Flash Installer

Good news guys, my phone works again, i am very happy. Cycle se aaya selem cycle se re nagpuri mp3 song download. Thx for the omap flash tip!!
For people that might encounter the same. Download and unpack the zip on desktop or w/e. Now when your omap4440 is recognized by device manager quickly double click and install drivers(you have about 2 seconds) select search drivers on pc and select desktop(drivers are in the above download. When thr drivers are installed run the *.bat file in the download after that u can get into download mode and odin flash a stock rom.