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• 15935 Answers SOURCE: A lot of concerns have been raised about door bellows molding, mildewing, and/or ripping and needing replaced. A replacement bellow isn't cheap (prices vary, but are around $75-80), so hopefully these helpful steps will eliminate the need to call a repair service and pay the additional labor charges. This is a repair of MODERATE difficulty. Just follow these steps: 1. Unplug the washer. Remove the washer top panel by removing the three torx-type screws (or 7mm) where it attaches in the rear of the washer.
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The panel should slide back, and then lift off. Remove the operator console by removing the dispenser and the scew(s) behind it. Take a putty knife and insert it under the console seam right above the door. If you push in slightly while pulling outwards the panel pops off. Use care not to pull or damage any of the wiring. Silvercrest usb 2.0 video grabber svg 2.0 a1 drivers.